Thursday, January 29, 2009

Happier Than The Morning Sun

I swear I just updated like two days ago! Okay, well obviously I didn't. But it sure does feel like I did. Anyway, I've still been pretty boring in my free time. Over the weekend I went to El Corte Ingles Supermarket to buy the usual palitos de pipas (bread sticks), cheddar cheese, and Haribo Ositos de Oro (which literally means Little Bears of Gold, but they're gummy bears). I applied to some jobs thanks to the realization that I will be returning to the U.S.A. in about 4 months and I need to be employed. The Ministro here has cut the number of auxiliars in half (to about 700 I believe, don't quote me on that) so there will only be one at each school. As you all may or may not remember, my school now has two. Not only is that an issue but they are favoring new applicants over applicants that have already experienced teaching as an auxiliar. So, I need to be on that serious job search grind! If all else fails, I can always apply for grad school and maybe begin in the Spring. But we know how I would have no clue why I would go :)

As for the week, Tuesday was another one of those days. I woke up not wanting to physically get up out of my bed. I arrived at school only to be placed in front of the 4th year students with a paragraph about Martin Luther King, Jr. and the instructions that I could "do whatever" I wanted and talk about MLK, Jr. and Obama. For that first hour, I struggled and we ended up making it through with some pretty good discourse. Next, I went to Music class and we reviewed all of the units and terms. We're trying to prepare the students for the Jeopardy game and an eventual exam. Let me just say that we all need a little review...the teacher and myself included in that. As they say here, no pasa nada! We'll get on it! Then I headed to my conversation hour where Emilio and I talked about Obama and America and Americans' view of him. For those of you all that don't know me too well, I'm not one to offer my opinion on a topic if I don't know too much about it. That being said, Emilio likes to bring up things he has seen in the news and whatnot. I usually don't know the entire story and I'm left with the "I really can't say" mindset. It doesn't help that I'm SUPER indecisive as well. Whatever! Next, I went to the other 4th year class where we tried to do the same thing but they breezed through all of the activities, leaving me to come up with another discussion topic on the spot. It worked though. For the next class, I will try to have an activity already planned. It doesn't help that I never remember the students I meet with every week and sometimes I get the same ones twice in a row.

I had another wonderful after-hours conversation hour! I met with seven students (I'm pretty sure the other guy isn't going to come). I decided to have a listening session since I was not able to get in contact with everyone about bringing photos for "show and tell." I printed out four song lyrics and had them listen to two. 6pm rolls around and the students actually said they wanted to stay to do another song. Really??!! I had to make sure they knew what they were talking about. So we did another song. Overall, a very funny and interactive class. Lovin' it!

Wednesday was a regular day. Conversation hours with Maria Jesus, Jose Ramon, and Ruben. Ruben told me about Granada (since I'm going this weekend!) and let me know where I should visit. Then we talked about snow (and the lack of). Then I headed to Rafa's 1st year class. He had the students read over some paragraphs and he asked them some questions. Then we went to use the computer to complete an exercise. When I tell you there were so many issues, 2-3 computers weren't working, one student spent the whole time trying to fix the wires in a mouse, one pair had a yellow screen, etc. It was funny though. I love that class, for real, for real.

Thursday started off on a wonderful note. I got to sleep in! The 1st year class had a play to go to during the second hour so that meant we could sleep later and arrive at school for the 10:25am class. Niiiiiiiice. I had Math class where we learned (well, they learned, I refreshed) about angles and such. Then I had conversation classes with Carmen and then Rafa. Carmen told me some more places to visit in Granada and she also said she might devote a Sunday to showing me around Sevilla. Cool with me! Rafa and I went over what we would do next for class and I got to learn about the Franco-Cantabrian and Levantine caves. Very interesting stuff. (And I didn't have to look at my book to write that! I actually remembered on my own!) Your girl is learning :) Afterwards, I went to the San Sebastian Bus Station to buy tickets to Granada where I coincidentally ran into my former roommate. He was very kind. I'm off to get some rest and maybe do some shopping for tomorrow (but probably not until tomorrow). Until I get back from Grana!

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