Monday, January 12, 2009

Blame It On The Sun

I can honestly say that I have been a bum this entire weekend...and I loved every bit of it :-/ Sometimes, I just like to take time to myself to reflect and think. That's part of why I came here, to focus on myself and find out what I am really about and what I am really capable of. The only day I went out and did something was on Saturday.
There was a bridge that I have been interested in crossing (literally). Every time I ride the bus to Plaza de Armas (I'm sure there's a shorter way), I get off to transfer buses. The place I get off at is one of the schools of the University. It is a really pretty area, with a little park and a fountain and all. This time, there were some little games and rides set up for children. It was so cute. They had a Merry Go 'Round and an inflatable Simpsons thing that kids could jump on. So I went there and chilled for a little bit. I brought this book one of the teachers let me borrow,
The Fifth Child. He said it was pretty good and explained it to me so I decided to check it out. I took a few pictures at the fountain and kept it moving. I then decided to walk towards this rather large looking structure on another bridge and I chose to walk by the river. Let me just say the river is the perfect place to go for deep contemplation. It is so beautiful and peaceful there. I like to just be by there and relax and reflect.
So I continued on my adventure and walked across the bridge I've been wanting to walk across. Turns out that bridge takes us to...La Isla Magica (The Magic Island) which is an amusement park here. Of course, it's closed for the season. The area is really cute.
La Isla Magica

I kept walking past that and saw some extra secretive looking area that says something about Las Islas Canarias (The Canary Islands), so I took pics of course. Then, I looked to my last and got excited because I thought I found La Cartuja, the monastery that Rafa (the S.S. teacher) was telling me about about a month ago. And I was right! I had stumbled upon the place. So I checked it out, thinking I got in for free and then realizing that the place is so big that I wasn't really walking through anything. I took a few pics and then saw my bus stop and decided to go ahead and wait to get home. A pretty nice, low key day.
By the way, I made a spinach salad and added diced onions, white cheddar cheese, tuna, and topped it off with olive oil (extra virgin) and balsamic vinegar with a pinch of salt and pepper. Good stuff!

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